外贸业务员面试常见问题_上海网站制作怎么选_2023年山东最新疫情最新消息_网站设计概述 Development of springboot electric appliance mall applet


In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile Internet, e-commerce is more and more welcomed by Internet users. E-commerce also plays a more and more important role in the development of national economy. Simple process, convenient and reliable payment method, fast and smooth logistics express delivery and safe information protection all make e-commerce more and more popular among Internet users. More and more businesses use computers to carry out business, sell and publicize various products. Various business systems and software have liberated businesses' hands and enabled businesses to maximize benefits. Therefore, computer technology plays a very important role in the commercial field.

This paper mainly analyzes the functional requirements of the foreground and background management of the small program of the electrical mall, and analyzes the non functional requirements of the security and scalability of the program. On the basis of detailed demand analysis, the database structure is determined according to the functional design of the program to realize complete code writing. Electrical mall applet completed the page design and function realization of the main modules. This paper shows the implementation effect of the home page, and introduces the implementation process of user registration function, electrical commodity display function, commodity purchase and online payment function through code and page.

Key words:Electronic Commerce; Springboot framework; Electric appliance mall







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